Dr. Jennifer Turner


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About Me

Hi. I'm Dr. Jennifer Turner. I have a Doctor of Public Health specializing in Health Education and Behavioral Science from Rutgers School of Public Health. I started MAD COOL FITNESS and the MAD COOL FITNESS CREW to help people to stop the frustrating merry-go-round of weight loss, to break the shackles of chasing the latest diet fad, to finally discover their true selves and personal empowerment through long-term good health. MAD COOL FITNESS is based on my own personal experience as someone who struggled with weight and an eating disorder for many years, and finally got healthy by changing my behavior, as well as research on weight loss maintenance I learned from my doctoral studies.


Why You Should Join Me

The topics discussed in MAD COOL FITNESS CREW are designed to help you to learn how to get healthy for good. They are based on what I have learned and done as someone who has been healthy for over 20 years, as well as behavioral science and research on how people have actually maintained weight loss and sustained healthy behaviors.

Let's all work together and support each other in our journeys to achieve unconditional fitness, MAD COOL FITNESS!


A Big Thanks

I want to thank the many supporters along the way in my fitness journey. Starting with my business school classmates who met me in the gym of our dorm over 20 years ago, who supported me and encouraged me at the beginning of my journey. I had NO idea what I was doing in that gym, but I KNEW I had to change and get control of my health. Thank you to the woman who inspired me the night before my first marathon, when I was convinced I was going to die the next day :-). She was black woman who had done over 100 marathons. She was like a unicorn to me! She told me I could do it, I was a marathoner, and I could hear her voice as I crossed the finish line. Thank you to my professors at Rutgers School of Public Health who have trained me and given me the tools to create the MAD COOL F.I.T. behavior change program and deliver more scientific programs and information to you. And finally, thank you to my mother and my late aunt. Without these two incredible women, I would not exist, and would not be the woman and health leader and educator I am today.